Why Asian Pears?

November 16, 2010

As we continue into autumn, many of my patients have been reporting what are known in Chinese Medicine as lung dryness symptoms.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, each season has a corresponding organ system.   The organ system corresponding to autumn is the lung, and the lung system is particularly vulnerable and sensitive to dryness.  Therefore it is very common to express lung dryness symptoms such as a dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, and dry nasal passages during autumn’s dry days.

In additional to applying topical moisturizing agents and taking medicinals to suppress cough, we can choose to eat foods that moisten and protect our lung system internally.  Eating foods that are in season are mother nature’s medicines that help to both prevent and ease symptoms.

One food to moisten lung dryness is an Asian Pear.  It looks more like a big apple than a pear and can be found in Asian markets, Whole Foods, farmers markets, and some mainstream supermarkets as well.

Note:  These pears are harder than other pear varieties and don’t get  soft, so you can eat them right after you buy them.   You can also try baking them in the oven and sprinkling them with cinnamon.

Avoiding too many hot and spicy foods is recommended as well during autumn, as over-consumption of these flavors can dry up and deplete already weakened sources of fluids.

If you would like to know more about eating according to the season and Traditional Chinese Medicine, please visit:  www.MBSAcupuncture.com.  I will also respond to questions posted to this blog or emailed to me at mshapiro@MBSAcupuncture.com.

In good health,


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